
Deponia rufus
Deponia rufus

deponia rufus
  1. #Deponia rufus full#
  2. #Deponia rufus code#
  3. #Deponia rufus series#
deponia rufus

I mean, it was called Goodbye Deponia, for crying out loud.

#Deponia rufus series#

It smacks of a blatantly obvious attempt at getting a fourth entry out of a series that was never meant to have one, a trilogy that wrapped up with an ending that left many disappointed, yes, but was intended to be final. Rufus barely got any genuine character development across the entire original trilogy before a quick personality shift came out of left field, so to have even that small amount of progress removed is cheap. Through the ex machina of time travel the writer’s pen themselves out of the seemingly quite final corner by taking Rufus back to the very start again, committing the cardinal sequel sin of hitting the emergency reset button. They almost go and cock it all up within the first few minutes by essentially resetting everything. It’s also a problematic game to talk about since everything worth pondering revolves around the ending.

deponia rufus

Perhaps much more importantly, it’s also a fascinating game to pick apart, not because of its mechanics or story or characters or in other words all of the things that should make it worth picking apart, but because of why it was made in the first place. However, once my initial reaction had subsided doubt creeped into my mind while the ending of Goodbye Deponia caused some controversy it was supposed to be very final, and now after three years is another game needed? The answer, as it transpires, is no. The Deponia games are arguably my favorite modern point and click titles, packing in a beautiful art style with a great sense of humor and fun story that centres around the biggest douchbag in history, a character who somehow manages to keep you playing through his adventures despite how big of a prat he is. Having been suddenly revealed by Daedalic and arriving less than a week after they confirmed its existence my reaction to Deponia Doomsday was a confusing one.

#Deponia rufus code#

Though not explained how, Rufus appears to blame himself for the death of his adoptive mother.Review code supplied free of charge by the publisher.Rufus is the only character to suggest that they have a Hammerspace.Despite all evidence to the contrary, Rufus is not a narcissist, as he is shown to have true feelings for Goal even though he does a VERY poor job expressing them.Rufus is apparently the cause of the majority of the severe injuries in his hometown.She has feelings for Rufus that have been overshadowed by her anger for him. In the third game is revealed to also look like Rufus and is another clone. Cletus - A main antogonist with a striking resemblence to Rufus.Captain Seagull - Rufus' adoptive father.

deponia rufus

  • Goal - Goal is Rufus' main love interest.
  • He is also a skilled tinkerer, able to invent useful contraptions from objects he finds lying around his homeworld. Rufus seems to have an incredibly high pain tolerance, able to survive multiple lightning strikes and extremely high falls that would kill an ordinary human. He is a near-total Narcissist, with Goal being the sole exception (this is subverted, however, when Rufus chooses inferior quality cartridges for Goal's brain surgery for a lollipop.)

    #Deponia rufus full#

    Rufus is known to be full of himself, often seeing himself as perfect while he's an idiot. Rufus is a Deponian male who appears to be in his early-to-mid twenties. The nicest thing you could say about him is that he does not intend to harm anybody, but this is only because he does not care about anyone but himself. He has no regard of others and when somebody gets hurt during one of his poorly conceived and constantly backfiring plans Rufus is totally unable to admit that it is his fault. He is a selfish, ill-tempered, egocentric who believes that he is destined for something better. "There is a lot to say about Rufus, but not much of it positive.

    Deponia rufus